Are you forever running on empty?

How to stop depleting your energy, start filling your tank and gear up for success everywhere. 

Are you energised and available for the next excellent thing the Universe has planned for you? Or are you you're focused on that flashing red light indicating your energy's about to run out? If this is you, the Universe will probably be putting 'Project You' on hold. She knows you're not ready to receive the goods. Let's change that.  Here's a kick start question:

What's your ‘refill regime’?

Do you:

  • Push the dial into the heart-thumping red zone and hope you'll squeak in or shudder to a halt within walking distance of your destination?

  • Survive on quarter tank top ups, so you're never available for uncharted expeditions and off-piste adventures? 

  • Settle for half a tank because filling up would move you into 'me first' mode? 

Now I invite you to write down your response…capture it, journal on it. Reality check it with a trusted human. Mediate on it, shake it out.

So, here's the thing. 'Me first' mode is where you absolutely deserve to be. 

I get that as women, we're hyper prone to prioritise doing all the things for all the people. But my mission is to help you transform that 'scarcity and sacrifice' mindset into a state of being, and doing that attracts abundance and makes success second nature.   

Right now, I'm inviting you to stop exhausting your energies in the service of everything other than your own wellbeing. Let’s move from a ‘I must serve everyone else first’ mode to a ‘if I’m good then everything and everyone else will be better’ platform.

‘But how do I operate from a ‘me first’ mode when I don’t even know how?’ I hear you ask. No problem: I’ve got you covered…

Move into 'me first' mode

Gift yourself permission to live an abundant life. Yes, that’s what I said ‘PERMISSION’. It all begins with what we allow, as what we allow continues.

Start by attending to, and elevating your energy. 

Fill that depleted tank beyond its brim. Because, believe me, you're best equipped to give and receive when your cup is overflowing.

So how do you move from obsessive gauge gazer who runs on empty to energised, optimistic business superstar who attracts success in spades? 

“Fill that depleted tank beyond its brim. Because, believe me, you're best equipped to give and receive when your cup is overflowing. No one misses out when you operate from 'me first' mode,” says SSB Founder, Nicola Wilkes.

Over to you

Ready to move out of the red zone? Fill up with Episode 8 of 'The Empowered Businesswoman' Podcast.  Listen up 

Ready to create your seriously stylish business?  Book a call and chat with us 

Looking for lovely like-minded women whose businesses going from good to great? Join my Facebook group Seriously Stylish Business Mastery

Start here. 

Three 'top ways to fill your tank to overflowing:

  1. Put 'being before doing'. Make daily space for this brilliant, breathtakingly simple practice for avoiding overwhelm and changing your state instantly, keeping your inner life intact. Whether this is spending five minutes journaling, in meditation, taking a short walk to your favourite coffee shop, or read a chapter of a book. The simplest and sometimes smallest gift of giving yourself permission to ‘take a moment’ can be the key to banishing overwhelm and creating a new internal pattern that ‘me first’ time can be the premier activity in the day, not the afterthought.

  2. Get on the ‘no’ train because for everything we say ‘yes’ to we are in fact saying ‘no’ to a whole lot more. So I invite you to start saying ‘no, that won’t work for me'.’ Or ‘no, I already have something else planned then.’ Baby steps. I know this will feel alien to begin with; but when it comes from a genuine place of ‘I am looking after myself so that I can be the best for everyone else’ you will begin to see that sometimes saying no is the best thing you can do.

  3. Spend an hour of power with Oprah as she shares her career story and gives great advice on:

    - Putting 'being before doing' and keeping your inner life intact 

    - Paying attention to your life and tuning into your emotional GPS

    - Discovering the power that comes with 'aligning your personality with your purpose'


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