Trying To Run Rings Around The Universe?
Experiment with our quick FAQ for aligning your energy and effort with your intention to make success second nature.
Imagine the Universe, Spirit, Source, God – however you like to describe your own spiritual home of energy and abundance - is ‘in the office’ working on your behalf. They’re running a last-minute reality check on your readiness to receive all the success you’ve asked for.
It’s packed, stacked, and scheduled for delivery. ‘Hang on a minute,’ says the Universe, looking up from her laptop, ‘She’s not available right now,’ (pointing to you) ‘She’s slipped into the state of not knowing, and she looks like staying there.’ Until this one wakes up and decides she’s open to all of this goodness, I can’t deliver it.’
Then watch the Universe put your precious delivery on hold because you’re not ready to receive it. You’re just pretending until that point...because here is the thing: ‘wanting’ to receive all of the breakthroughs is not the same as being ‘willing’ to.
You can’t fool the Universe. So, let’s get real. What are you available for and ready to receive?
Ask yourself, ‘What am I an energetic match for?’
You can’t fool the Universe. So, let’s get real. What are you available for and ready to receive?
Write: ‘What am I an energetic match for?’ on a prominently displayed post-it RIGHT NOW. Stick it on your computer, on the kitchen cupboard, on a mirror, on your car dashboard - anywhere you’re going to see it regularly. This mindset needs to become a habit. Then take it to the next level by making yourself a mood board to make the vision 2-D. Add that to journaling on it, and this is your staying accountable’ plan
Your responses will show you whether your actions back up your deepest desires and scariest schemes for stunning success. In other words, Does your behaviour pass the ‘true vision, true action’ test’? If your honest answer is ‘No,’ then start the shift by talking the talk.
Lose your lazy language
Your language declares what you’re available for and ready to receive.
Create the shift and decide to use powerful, practical ‘can do’ phrases that match your goals. Swap, ‘I’m exhausted,’ for ‘I’m taking the evening off to take care of myself,’. Trade, ‘I’ve no idea what to do,’ for ‘I’m not sure what to do yet, but I’ll try this tack and figure it out from there.’
Practice ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. But make ‘yes’, ‘Hell yes!’ and ‘no’, ‘No, that doesn’t work for me,’ without apology. Get conscientious about matching words to intentions and watch how your energy changes. Instantly!
Over to you
Love what you’ve read here? It’s a taste of the hot topic in Episode 2 of ‘The Empowered Businesswoman’ Podcast. Listen up
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